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Suicide Prevention


Stop and Think

Suicide affects everyone of all ages, worldwide. Every human on Earth has felt depressed at least once in their lives, millions of which think about suicide, and of those millions, thousands attempt suicide. Depression is like a virus, constantly growing and spreading inside, and the best treatment is simply doing what makes you happy, and be with whoever makes you happy. Do the things that you love with the people you love.


You might have been cured already, so help the people around you and help them find their cure. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide, someone kills themselves every 45 seconds. No one likes to talk about their depression, but there is never any harm in

reaching out to other people and pushing them to talk about it. Around 25% of people who suffer from severe depression show no outward signs of being depressed, so don't be afraid to ask the people close to you. Asking never hurts anyone, and it's better to be safe than sorry.​


Our mission is to help everyone of all ages understand that every human being on Earth suffers from depression at some point. That even the people who have nothing to live for eventually find something to live for. To encourage people to seek help when needed, and to help others as much as possible.

The Big Picture

Help yourself by learning from the stories and getting the help you need now, and help us by completing the survey.

The Truth
Our Mission
The Big Picture
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